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My child is well behaved and obdedient..Why is that not enough?

yancha blog
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Many a times, we, as parents consider an obedient child and well behaved child as one who is going to do well later in life.

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Connect with Your Child but Understand why NOT to Overdo it

yancha blog
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As parents, we all want to connect and be involved with our child.  Children of involved parents generally feel more confident, poised and have a higher level of self-esteem.

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How to Actively Listen & Respond to your Child

yancha blog
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Communicating with our children can be a challenging task at times.  We feel like they're not listening to us; they feel like we're not listening to them.

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The Importance of Humility in Parenting

yancha blog
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Humility is a very significant aspect of being human. It's also very important in regard to the issue of parenting.

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Teaching Positive Discipline to a Child

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Disciplining your kids without corporal punishment is feasible as long as you know the right things to do.

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Positive Ways to React When Your Child Does not seem to 'Obey'

yancha blog
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The way that you respond to your child's behavior has a profound effect on how they act in the future.

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